Any industry all over the world faces many challenges.. Landscape services in Jordan is no exception never the less Jordan has a very pleasant weather, dry summer & moderate winter in general also many natural resources that can be developed and utilized in the landscape industry. Dajani Agribusiness landscape designers, contractors and Garden Care providers with the endless choices of materials, possibilities and deep horticultural knowledge in the science of agronomy, botany, physiology and agriculture in general made us the experts in our field. This particular and rare structure of knowledge and experience is our ultimate tool to serve all kinds of projects from a simple back yard garden to corporate & touristic scale projects. A unique design house that accommodates talent & knowledge within a team that excels.. A trust worthy Hard & Soft landscape contractors.. Knowledgeable well experienced care providers what made Dajani Agribusiness the preferred destination for all types and tastes of any landscape project. fine ART.. unique TASTE .. vast EXPERIENCE by Dajani Agribusiness @ your doorsteps Download Certification